About five billion people living near contaminated water courses, among them may include as many as three and a half billion in the state of serious water supply clean. There are many rivers in the different continents severely compromised by pollution of various kinds, except, again for the time being, the African continent and waterways of the Arctic and Siberia.
addition to data received from the Global Report on the state of rivers and published in the journal Nature, have been prepared by various scholars, the charts on the most polluted rivers in the world. Highlight one of these lists that begins with:
Citarum river, Indonesia . The Citarum River is located in West Java, Indonesia. Unfortunately the river is completely covered by rubbish even if it remains the only source of water supply for agriculture than for personal use . In December 2008, the Asian Development Bank approved a loan of 500 million U.S. dollars to clean it, but surely it will take years to recover from the tragic situation.
Yamuna river, India . The Yamuna River, a tributary of the Ganges, is one of the most polluted rivers in the world, as an object of spills by 58% of the waste from the Indian capital New Delhi.
Buriganga river, Bangladesh . The Buriganga is the main river that runs alongside the city of Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh. The river is virtually dead from a biological point of view, under water are deposited tons of human waste.
Lanzhou, China . The Yellow River is the second longest river in China, and the water supply for millions of people in the north. But the river is heavily polluted due to industrial contamination, due to discharges of oil.
Marilao river, Philippines . plastic wrap, rubber slippers, banana trunks and often animal carcasses, are just some of the things that you can see floating in the Marilao River. The water contains toxic chemicals such as chromium, cadmium, copper and arsenic, which makes the water very dangerous. Despite campaigns by the local government to order fines, families continue to throw their waste into the river and the factories to release their waste, contaminating the water constantly.
Ganges , India . The Ganges, the sacred river for Hindus, is contaminated. An estimated 2 million people every day make the ritual bath in the river, despite being at risk of chemical waste, sewage and floating corpses!
Songhua River, China . The Songhua River is a north-east China, the largest tributary of the Heilong River. In November 2005, was also contaminated by benzene.
Mississippi river , United States of America . The Mississippi River is a great natural and economic resource in the heart of the United States drains about 40% of the continental states, including its agricultural land and carries 1.5 million tons of nitrogen pollution in the Gulf of Mexico each year.
River Sarno, Italy . The most polluted rivers in Europe is the Sarno, a river that flows through Pompeii, south of Naples .. The situation is exacerbated by large discharges of untreated waste, agricultural and industrial, dumped in river.
King River, Australia . E ' probably the most polluted rivers in Australia, and suffers from severe problems related to mining operations. Even in Australia, therefore, man has intervened to destroy nature.
Source: (Viaggi.tuttogratis)
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