Tuesday, January 11, 2011

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A new plastic made from milk and clay

from corn and sugar have already been made of organic plastics, but today at the University of Cleveland you are creating a product very similar to polystyrene, resulting from milk protein and clay, Aeroclay called.

could soon replace the popular Styrofoam, used for packaging but is derived from petroleum.

The research done by the Cleveland team, headed by researcher David Schiraldi, started with a long series of tests consisted of mixing freeze-dried clay ( easily recoverable material in nature and low cost) with various substances. When you come to the point of merge it with milk (casein protein in cow's milk), they found that the result was a soft and light material similar to styrofoam.

The process developed developed by the group of scholars is based on putting a ball of clay and a bit 'of water in a blender and add the powder after two minutes of casein.

The result was a ball made from glycerin that further development as a classic freeze ice cubes and then freeze-dried, produced a material similar to styrofoam, however, 98% natural.

The product is very interesting but still be improved, because the Styrofoam is virtually eternal, while the tests showed that the new product after 45 days or so it decomposes.

We hope to see this innovative short bio plastic though in addition to its limited duration, there are other things to check not be underestimated as the cost of production and not least, the smell that could issue the material, similar to sour milk.

Source: (Genitron)


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