Monday, January 24, 2011

Clé Cd Matlab R2007a

27 ° cross friends Pellerina

Hello to all runners and lovers of the race, yesterday we attended the 27th edition of the Friends of the Cross Pellerina.Devo say that for me and my cousin Vito did not start in the best possible way, when we went to collect the number of participation and the coupon to collect your race package, there a year stolen under the nose and from what I heard we were not the only ones, besides the usual opening machines. Apart from these mishaps yesterday was a great day to run, the rural certainly find it a little harsh, but the good thing is just make a wish questo.Devo who yesterday suffered a few crooked or fall as our president a speedy recovery Domenico and come back stronger than prima.Passiamo races that have been categorized as a practice in the fields, the Carthusians have behaved as always happens benissimo.Devo to compliment appears to De Luca, who gave me a hard time Mastrosimone and also giving a thrilling battle ultimately happens Nanotti.Come Moretti was the best among the Carthusians but shadowed by De Blasi, even among good fight and Crepaldi Bergonzo.Anche Sansonne and Muscat have been put forward, while my cousin Amadio is back in form, finishing in front of a very good Buscemi and a 'Di Michele, who just this year seems more agguerrito.Un compliment at all because the track was heavy and get to the end it was a good test at the next cross and good training for everyone.


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